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    Carta igienica interfogliata

    Folded Toilet paper is produced with pure cellulose 100% paper only.
    The interleaved product offers many benefits, including significantly reduction in consumption and waste, due to the fact that the user touches and extracts one single toilet paper per time.
    Our standard is made with 9000 pieces per box but we can customize it as well as the carton layout.
    Sheets size could fit every standard dispenser.


    Paper quality Pure Pulp
    Paper details Smooth
    Folded “ V ”
    Plies n. 2
    Grammatura gr/m2 16
    Sheet Size 11,5 x 21 cm
    Sheets per pack n. 300
    Packs per box n. 30
    Sheets per box n. 9000
    Packaging Box
    Pallet n. 49
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