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    Asciugamano Microincollato

    Microembossed glued towel rolls are produced with pure cellulose 100% paper only (2 or 3 plies). Microembossing system ensures softness and strength.
    We can customize our rolls in terms of weight, length, height of the roll, internal and external diameter and packaging in order to fit them in every autocut or standard dispenser.


    Paper quality Pura Cellulosa 100%
    Paper details Microembossed Glued
    Plies n. 2/3
    Height cm. 22
    Grammatura gr/m2 17 (3 plies) – 20 (2 plies)
    Weight kg. da 0,6 a 1,5
    Internal diameter mm 40
    External diameter mm < 170
    Packaging sacco Polytermo
    Pieces per pack n. 6/12 rotoli
    Pallet n. 40 Polytermo
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